
RE: D12

in Shady Records 10.11.2011 14:22
von Em´313 | 118 Beiträge | 171 Punkte

Ach ja diese devils night live show wurde gekänzelt fallls ihr euch wundert

„Look… if you had… one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted… in one moment
Would you capture it… or just let it slip?"

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RE: D12

in Shady Records 30.11.2011 18:45
von FGR 313 • Hall of Fame | 1.851 Beiträge | 4724 Punkte

!!! EMINƎM 4 EVƎR !!!

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RE: D12

in Shady Records 26.12.2011 16:36
von Jabo • Hall of Fame | 691 Beiträge | 1888 Punkte

Die zwei Alben sind einfach genial und ich habe nicht die Hoffnung aufgegeben, dass noch ein Album folgt. Leider hört man sehr wenig, was D12 angeht (natürlich inkl. Eminem), die sieht man ja fast gar nicht mehr zusammen. Vielleicht fällt es vor allem Eminem schwer. Nichts gegen der Shady Crew 2.0, aber das Original toppt niemand, leider ohne Proof.

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RE: D12

in Shady Records 26.12.2011 17:22
von M0LiTZ (gelöscht)

Crooked I of Slaughterhouse talks about Em & working with him for the SH album:

"Producers went crazy (on the album). Then, at the end of the day, Eminem walks in.A lot of people don't give Em credit as a producer, but I get to sit there & watch him produce. We all know that he's such a Great lyricist. That may be what's over-shadowing his production, but dude is ill as a producer. I mean the wh
ole package of the producer,not just, 'Here's a beat, fellas. Go rap.' No. I'm talkin' about, after the raps are done, live instruments bein' added, mixing the vocals & sittin' in there for 8hrs on one song, just producing the song.Then, he comes back the nxt day & does the same thing.. Then, the next time you come in there to hear the song, its been taken to a whole 'nother planet."

On Eminem as a person and what he found surprising about him: "He's got a crazy sense of humor but that didn't really surprise me.But, what's been surprising? You know what? It's how much he knows each SH member... I'm saying musically, how much he knows about our music before Slaughterhouse came to Shady [Records]. Sometimes when you don't hang around a lot of these super-celebs, u don't know if they're listening to your shit or not. So, coming over to Shady... we find out Em bought our album the 1st day it came out.He was in the know about songs we did on the internet, individually. That was surprising to me...

Em's real easy to work with. That was another thing. Dude's down to fuckin' earth. He's real down to earth and easy to work with. He could be a straight asshole if he wanted to be. Believe me,there's a lot of fuckin' assholes that sold less records th-an Eminem in this industry... That first time I met him, I was like, 'This dude is real humble. He's a cool cat.'"

On learning from Eminem — "..with Em, he's in there with us. That's a big thing. I know some people tell me, 'I wouldn't want to be recording with Em all the time. I would want my space to be the kind of artist that I am.'I look at that and it sounds crazy as fuck to me, man. That's like the Bulls back in the day saying, 'I don't want to practice with Michael Jordan.' You know what I'm sayin'? I don't get that shit. I almost thought about buying a condo [in Detroit] just so I could go in and learn & make music under the umbrella that he created... He's a fucking genius with that shit. It's been a great ride and hopefully we can take it all the way."

✚ Joe Budden has said that the SH album will most likely release in April 2012 and D12's Bizarre recently stated that fans can expect a new D12 album next year..!

es geht nur um die letzte zeile hab nur alles kopiert falls wem interessiert

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RE: D12

in Shady Records 26.12.2011 23:31
von Jabo • Hall of Fame | 691 Beiträge | 1888 Punkte

Mit Eminem? Wär der Hammer! Ich hoffe es so sehr. Ehrlich gesagt fieber ich das mehr entgegen, als Eminems Album, weil das einfach an alte Zeiten erinnern wird und Em bringt eh noch Alben raus, da müssen wir uns keine großen Sorgen machen.

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