Weis jetzt nicht obs so interessant ist aber recovery wurde jetzt 4x platin offiziell ausgezeichnet
Recovery, which crossed 4,000,000 in sales in the United States back in August has been officially certified 4x Platinum by the RIAA! In more good news, "Love the Way You Lie," which received its 5x Platinum certification in December last year, was the highest-certified single of 2011.
Recovery has sold over 4.18 million in the U.S. to date and is the 6th best-selling album of the last 5 years & the 50th best-selling album of the last 10 years in the U.S. Worldwide sales figures for Recovery are at over 7 million copies.
Recovery is currently at #77 on the Billboard 200 (U.S. Albums Chart), after more than 84 weeks on chart, since its release in June, 2010.